About our community
Both WorldPress and Moodle are leaders in their fields: WordPress — in standart websites, and Moodle — in the field of LMS/DLS-systems. World of WEB-Development is bound up with various technologies, so even developers and users of different systems, for example Moodle, need to know about other technologies, especially because users of standart websites are much more then ones of LMS-systems.
To help people understand the intricacies of the system, innovations, programming techniques and other technologies we decided to organize thematic meetings in Saint-Peterburg and make presentations, mostly on php- and javascript-programming, related to WordPress (plugins, themes/templates) and with other technologies, for example, AngularJS, Twitter Bootstrap.
At the meetings people can share information, read or listen to the reports and ask questions on the topic they are interested in. Community exists solely on public principles and participation in seminars is absolutely free. Measures shall generally be carried once a month and last around 2-3 hours.
If you live in St. Petersburg, or would like to come for participation in our meetings, please come, we are waiting for you!