Friends, we are pleased to inform you that in St. Petersburg was formed e-Learning community and the first community meeting will be held on June 6, 2015 in the framework of the IT Global Meetup, which brings together all IT and near-IT communities of the city. Such events are held every three months, but in between we will organize our local meetups. Participation is free, but registration on the website Piter United obligatory, and all information there. Venue — Club House, Prospect Medics, 3.
Presentations and speakers already have, and the «stack» of reports completely clogged, only 4 will report. If you have an own reports ideas and you want to report and act on local meetups, then contact the organizers of the community. So the reports that will be on June 6 IT Global Meetup:
- «The experience in mass education and the problems of distributed company LMS in the university» Olga Kuranova, director of the Center of distance learning Petersburg State University of Railways.
- «The use of online negotiation simulator« Roundy »in distance learning» Andrew Zamulin, assistant professor of organizational behavior and human resource management Graduate School of Management, PhD.
- «Development of interactive exercises for the e-learning courses» Lilia Smirnova, chief of distance learning technologies of the Corporate Institute JSC «Gazprom».
- «Moodle from the perspective of the programmer and the user» Igor Sazonov, the programmer.