From the beginning of first Moodle versions, developers have the basis frontend-framework YUI (Yahoo User Interface), but it was not so good solution for third-party developers because of low popularity/community and complexity hardly use the one, so they didn’t use YUI at own Moodle plugins and themes development and uses jQuery. Fortunately or not, at […]
While additional Moodle functionality developing for one of our customers required check the user the presence of his only as a «Student» role for a given course, while if the user has the teacher or manager role, the function should return false. In Moodle there are two similar functions, but they perform a few more […]
Since the last update of the module functional for Moodle authorization held for about six months, and even then there were ideas to improve it, but the time to put these ideas appeared only in the last few days, some of which were spent on the implementation of these ideas. It should be noted that […]
New Year comes, it’s time to make gifts to our users and clients, so we decided to make some useful changes at still the only in the official Moodle repository, authentication plugin via OAuth social networks (Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Twitter, VKontakte, Yandex, Mail .ru). The changes are not so grandiose, but hopefully useful to the […]
While development process of any software, programmer need not only to write clear code with clear thought-out architecture, but also he need to keep in mind all sorts of checks and incorrect user activities, such as checking incoming data from users, because your product will be used as ordinary people who can make error sending […]
Developing/programming plugins can be done quickly and, of course, it’s needed. But if you want to make it available to the world, it is necessary to observe some rules, it’s like writing diploma or thesis at university — you seem to understand what it was about and can explain the fingers on your research, but […]
If you decide to opt for distance learning based on Moodle, but have not figured out the sequence of the process, this article will help you to understand the most important stages. Usually they occur in the same order: Deciding on the need for a remote form of education and identification platform for its implementation […]