On this tag you can keep track of news in the world of plugins for Moodle: here we will put to good reviews as modules, and on its excellent design. Moodle can not be good without plugins!
Starting with version 2.7 Moodle has a new stylish and pleasant visual editor Atto. Editor is included as a mandatory plugin in the system, which has its own settings. Users liked this visual editor, judging by the reviews, but there were some difficulties due to the fact that the basic functionality of the editor is […]
While development process of any software, programmer need not only to write clear code with clear thought-out architecture, but also he need to keep in mind all sorts of checks and incorrect user activities, such as checking incoming data from users, because your product will be used as ordinary people who can make error sending […]
Developing/programming plugins can be done quickly and, of course, it’s needed. But if you want to make it available to the world, it is necessary to observe some rules, it’s like writing diploma or thesis at university — you seem to understand what it was about and can explain the fingers on your research, but […]
Our services are b2b-oriented. We strive for high-quality Moodle services supply as it leads to higher income and satisfaction of our clients. If you have any questions or desires, please contact us.
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